Orange Glen High School Class of '69

Following is a list of email addresses for known classmates. If you know someone who should be on this list, please let us know by sending email to

  • Classmates Email List

    Here you'll find contact info for classmates. If you know of someone's email address,
    and they're not on the list, please forward it to us so we can contact them. This will
    help us to keep everyone informed as plans continue to develop.

        If you'd like us to include a brief bio of yourself - say, what you've been doing for the
        past 10 years in 25 words or less <g> - please send it.  If you have a personal web site
        you'd like us to link to, we'd be happy to include it.

         This list includes classmates for whom we have no contact information. If you know how to
        get in touch with them, please ask them to
contact us or send us their email/phone number.

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