OGHS Reunion

Yes, Virginia, there WAS a 30th reunion of Orange Glen High School's class of 1969 (was it the BEST year EVER?). A great time was had by all over the weekend of September 24-26, 1999, and many new memories were created.

A Look Back on the 1999 Reunion

Thanks to the efforts of Sheila Frayser Creighton and the reunion committee, we partied the ENTIRE WEEKEND starting Friday night at the Main Event, Saturday night dinner and dancing at the Doubletree Resort in Carmel Mountain Ranch, followed by brunch Sunday morning and a picnic at Dixon Lake near Escondido.

We have photos from the Friday night mixer and the Saturday night dinner- dance!
Stay in touch with your classmates using the Email Directory Listing as well as Classmates.com
If you would like to stay informed about future reunion activities, please send an email and include your mailing address and phone number.

Many thanks from your reunion committee! :-)

Reunion Photos - Friday

Click HERE for a photo tour of our Friday night rendezvous at The Main Event in Escondido.

Reunion Photos - Saturday

Click HERE for a photo tour of our Saturday night dinner dance at The DoubleTree Inn in Rancho Penasquitos. If you have digital photos you would like to share, please email them to jgranger@san.rr.com

Reunion Keynote Speech

Click HERE for a copy of the reunion keynote speech.